The Detection Period Of SARMs
SARMs have risen in popularity ever since their appearance in the market. These supplements selectively bind to androgen receptors, which only target muscles without setting off another reaction like steroids would. These supplements are widely used in the bodybuilding scene.
SARMs are not approved by the FDA or World Anti-Doping Agency. However, they are widely used in bodybuilding. They are not legal to use in sports, so those planning to compete are often worried about how long SARMs last in their system.
What Factors Affect the Detection Period Of SARMs?
All individuals experience the effects of SARMs in various ways, so how long it stays in the body varies on different factors. This is called the half-life, which refers to the time taken to reduce the dose by half.
These factors include:
Weight - Your weight plays a big role in the half-life of SARMs. The heavier you are, the shorter the half-life of SARMs, which means they are excreted quickly.
Metabolic rate - If you have a fast metabolism, SARMs are processed quickly and excreted quicker than someone with a slower metabolism. Several things can affect your metabolic rate as well, such as age, gender, and how much you exercise.
Dosage - The dosage also plays an important role in how long SARMs stay in your system. For example, if you take RAD 140 at 100mg a day, it can have a half-life of 60 hours. If you reduce this dosage, it can shorten this half-life, however, you might not get maximum benefits.
Gender - Women usually show a slower clearance of SARMs compared to men. This means it lasts longer in women’s systems.
How Long do Different Types Of SARMs Last in Your System?

The following section will inform you about the common SARMs and how long they’re detectable in your system.
They include:
Ostarine- Ostarine metabolites can be detected in a urine test up to 9 days after your last dose. If you’re due for a test, it’s best to wait for 10 days.
Ligandrol- The metabolism of Ligandrol in humans is fairly slow. It was found in a urine test 22 days later. Anecdotal studies show that individuals should wait for 30 days for it to be excreted completely.
Stenabolic- There is little information on the detection window of Stenabolic. Some user experience has shown that this SARM can be detected in urine tests after 2 to 3 weeks.
Cardarine- Cardarine has 10 times the number of metabolites as other SARMs in urine so, it may be detected for up to 40 days.
S23- Although S23 has not been studied, some user experience shows that this SARM can last in the system for 15 to 20 days from the last consumption.
YK11- A study on the metabolism of YK11 showed that metabolites in urine were not detected in the first 24 hours. However, other metabolites of the SARM can be detected for 48 hours and even longer. Experts say it might take a week or two.
In essence, SARMs are beneficial in bodybuilding and achieving fitness goals, however, users are advised to follow the above guide if they wish to compete in sports.