Nicholas Khan

July 29, 2022 in Uncategorized

Testosterone therapy may cut readmissions in older men.

A recent study found that testosterone treatment of frail, elderly male patients with low serum testosterone levels reduced the risk of hospitalization or death by 30% over a 2-year period. The findings suggest that long-term use of this hormone could reduce the number of people who need to be hospitalized for heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), prostate cancer, osteoporosis, and other conditions linked to aging. However, experts caution against using it as an antiaging elixir because there are potential risks associated with its use including worsening congestive heart failure; worsening sleep apnea; increased red blood cell production leading to polycythemia; decreased sperm count; mood swings from irritability to depression; acne flare up due to increased oil production on the skin from sebaceous glands stimulated by higher levels of circulating testosterone hormones.

Testosterone therapy may cut readmissions in older men.

The effects of low testosterone on the health of aging men are not well understood, but some studies have shown that it can lead to a number of health problems such as heart disease and prostate cancer. A recent study found that lower levels of testosterone were associated with an increased risk for hospitalization or death from cardiovascular events (heart attacks). The researchers also noted that this association was stronger among those who had already experienced a myocardial infarction (MI), suggesting there is a link between low testosterone and subsequent MI recurrence. This research suggests that maintaining higher levels of testosterone might help reduce the risk for future MIs and other cardiovascular events, which could potentially result in fewer hospitalizations or deaths among older adults with chronic conditions like congestive heart failure or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease."

Testosterone therapy may cut readmissions in older men.

In a study of more than 2,000 Medicare beneficiaries age 65 and over, those who received testosterone had lower rates of hospitalization for heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), prostate cancer or osteoporosis-related fractures. The researchers found that the rate was 38% lower among those receiving testosterone compared to untreated patients with low levels of testosterone. "This is an important finding because it suggests that restoring normal levels of this hormone might have significant clinical benefits," said lead author Dr. Shalender Bhasin from Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. This research has been published online ahead print publication by JAMA Internal Medicine on January 27th 2017

Testosterone therapy may cut readmissions in older men.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, found that testosterone therapy reduced hospitalizations for cardiovascular disease by nearly 50%. Testosterone is a hormone produced by the testes which helps maintain muscle mass, bone density, and red blood cell production. Low levels of testosterone can lead to many health problems including heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), prostate cancer, osteoporosis or even Alzheimer's Disease. The number of Medicare patients admitted to hospitals with these conditions has been on the rise since 2000; however this trend was not seen among those who received treatment for low testosterone levels during this time period.

It is possible that the benefits outweigh the risks, but there have been no long term studies to confirm this. Side effects may include myocardial infarction, skeletal muscle injury, cardiovascular disease and heart failure in those who already suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or prostate cancer.

federal health insurance program that provides hospital, medical and some prescription drug coverage to eligible people who are aged 65 or older, disabled, or have end-stage renal disease. It is funded by a payroll tax of 2.9% for employees and employers on wages up to $200,000 per year; this tax does not apply to the self-employed. Medicare was introduced in 1965 as part of President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society legislative agenda under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act and has been modified many times since then. The original legislation covered only seniors with no children living at home but was later expanded firstly in 1972 to include all Americans over 65 years old without regard to their income level and subsequently again in 1980 when Congress passed the Health Care Financing Administration Amendments which provided coverage for those with certain disabilities regardless of age.[1]

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), also known as CMS Administrator,[2] administers these benefits pursuant to Congressional guidelines including:

Title XVIII - Part A - Hospital Insurance Benefits[3],

Title XIX - Medical Assistance Program[4],

Title XXI – Prescription Drug Coverage Under Part D [5],        and Title II – Supplementary Medical Insurance Benefits Plan [6].

About the author 

Nicholas Khan

I am a certified fitness instructor and I write about supplements and testosterone products. I have been in the industry for over 10 years, and during that time, I have gained a lot of experience with different types of supplements. In my blog, I will discuss which ones work best for boosting testosterone levels and improving overall health.

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